azienda innovativa soluzioni ICT - UX design - Machine learning


What is design thinking?

Design Thinking is a methodology of problem-solving and creative thinking, aiming to design and imagine processes, products and services. Everything is user-centred. Design Thinking trains our brain to search for valuable solutions bringing added value to the target users. This process materialises in an explorative approach led by an interdisciplinary team that involves users. Objective business data and respect of given limitations.

How does it work?

DT tries to understand for what reason, context and actions the target user searches for a solution or a new direction. DT investigates the need that a new technology can satisfy, what the user requires, or even new scenarios of improvement and innovation, for example, by a new service.

Visualise the to-be

In Design Thinking, the User Journey Map or the Storyboard are tools often used to develop the first intuition in a conceptual map that represents the key elements that the service should feature (if it existed), integrating observations and first drafts. This can be easily done by organising a workshop with the users, a perfect way to have instant feedback on the first ideas. This co-designing process’s outcome will redefine and elaborate further the idea until it reaches a final structural shape.

The digital prototype and users’ test

Ideas concerning websites, mobile apps, and software can be digitally represented with prototypes displaying screens and navigation. Apart from giving a first representational idea of the new product, these prototypes are valuable tools to present a concept during a meeting or to support a specialised pitch with a client. Alongside a functional analysis of the project, developers use these prototypes as a reference. Furthermore, a prototype used during a usability test allows us to obtain direct feedback from the users while navigating through the platform’s functions.

The process and the application

Design Thinking methodology is sometimes a process of research and investigation, as well as decision-making and output. Six phases are characteristic of these moments:








design thinking process diagram

6 steps design thinking model proposed by the Hasso-Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford (


Design Thinking is exceptionally functional when:

  • There is a need to innovate a product or service.
  • We take into account possible innovation opportunities.
  • R&D and design activities should be structured considering a user-centric methodology.

Energee3 method

An Energee3 project manager selects and plans the most appropriate actions to reach specific goals. Then, a team of designers and facilitators takes care of the project, the users’ activities and the co-design workshops, whether in real life or remotely. Upon request, a digital prototype developed in detail is delivered, as well as other deliverables for the project. If necessary, we grant access to a range of experts in the field through research activities and specific counselling on specific topics.

Would you like to know more? Let's talk about!

Ilaria Cafiso

Ux Design competence center manager

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